Puppy Intelligence, Equity Transfer and A Dying Dad

Far worse than that is that for the past almost year he’s had a hernia and didn’t tell anyone, so it’s become twisted around his bowel and pretty much stopped it working, sealing the lower half of his colon so that it filled up and filled up and then burst, poisoning him with his own waste.

A New Laptop, Bear’s Female Colleagues & A Clever Pup

So when I got a knock on the door and handed a package addressed to me, I was somewhat taken aback. I hadn’t ordered anything and Bear hadn’t said anything about expecting a package.

Puppy Training, Time Rifts & Genealogy

Instead he took to running excitedly around our legs, still attached to his harness and lead, barking madly, like there was a cat in the field, demanding more treats. Which of course he did not get.

Puppy Training, Skip Day & Birthday Peace & Quiet

No, you’re not seeing double. No, I didn’t post the same thing twice. No, I’m not mad… okay, I’ll rescind that statement… I’m a little mad, and a little frustrated, and a bit pissed off to be fair.

Puppy Training, Skip Day & Birthday Peace And Quiet

He didn’t have a Satnav back then and couldn’t get Google Maps on his phone, so had written down the road names and numbers. Don’t for a second think it was a sweet, romantic gesture. This is Bear.

Barking At Nothing, Teaching A Young Dog New Tricks & Chronic Pain

The breeze moves the leaves on the wisteria above the window, he barks… a magpie lands on the opposite neighbour’s front steps, he barks… a bug walks across the front path, so tiny I can barely see it, he barks… any movement of any sort by anything and he barks at it.

Wannabe Rambo, Awesome Dog Chews & Proper English Cream Tea

Obviously these days the barbarianism has taken over and people are doing whatever the hell they like with their tea and scones, being all rebellious and shit and thinking they’re cool or hip, or some such nonsense,

Pup Insanity, A Vet Visit & Out Of Date Dairy

“Stop eating my bloody bike, you little ratbag.!” We can’t put them anywhere else unfortunately and I don’t see why we should. He needs to learn to leave stuff alone.

Five Days Too Many, Changing The Rules & Safety Measures

Yesterday Bear spent most of the afternoon drilling into the patio to fix metal fence post holders, to put a fence with a gate across the bottom of the patio. Pup got brave and came off the patio and went down to the next step towards the garden.

Random Ass Shit

is exactly what it says on the packaging...


Nationally Syndicated Editorial Cartoonist

A Family History in Letters

Letters from the women in my family to their mothers from 1910-1980.

What I found

The art of losing

The Belfast Belter

The Life and Times of a retired Soldier, Boxer, Pilot, Husband, Father and Grandfather

Reading Between The Lies

tales of untruths

Shine My Way

My memoir. Where I cuss a lot.

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