Wild, Wanton & Weary

Wild, Wanton & Weary is 50 years old, but feels twice that; has dark chestnut hair with natural glitter and green eyes and is 170cm tall, depending on which foot she stands. I’m the mother of two young men in their late-20’s and Nanna to two precious little darlings. I’ve been married and found it’s not to my liking and been divorced, also not to my liking so have vowed never to try that particular trick again… unless of course, Bear asks. 😉

I am a self taught Jane of all trades and enjoy making and creating things. I’m interested in family history, literature, art, architecture and psychology. I have explored large areas of western Europe and lived in Germany for a few years. I’m a little bit geeky and like a few sports, mostly of the ‘men in tight shorts’ variety, although I have been known to enjoy F1 and MotoGP.

I blog because it stops me killing people… My mind is active 24/7 and I suffer frequent bouts of insomnia, on top of OCD, anxiety, depression, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia… so an outlet is needed before my warp core hits meltdown. I’m an introvert, deliberately unsociable and I try to avoid humanity as much as possible, whether for their sakes or mine is, as yet, unknown.


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The Belfast Belter

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Reading Between The Lies

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Shine My Way

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